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Session 1 of the Seminar Blind Deaf and Amazing - on living with and training deaf, blind and deaf blind dogs.  

Session lead: Olga Jones, UK


Session is about 1.5 hours long. You'll receive the link to recording of the full session including presentation, videos, discussion, questions and answers. You'll be able to watch and refer back to the session as many times as you'd like.


Session 1 covers:

1. Blind, deaf or blind deaf dog- what you can achieve together? 

Some inspirations and experiences of people from around the world 

2. Outline and objectives of this Seminar

- Your brief guide to the Sessions and the speakers

- How to get most from each of the Sessions

3. Causes of deafness and blindness in dogs, types and their impact on training

4. Teaching your blind and deaf dogs tricks- why does it matter?

5. Some practical homework before the next session​


Session 1 is a mixture of presentation, videos and a follow up discussion with Q&A

Session 1: Deaf, blind and totally amazing!

  • I am Director of Dog Talent Association, a company that provides Trick Training and assessment of Trick Dog Titles.

    We also run the prestigious International Trick Dog Competition, that traditionally attacts top talent worldwide. 

    I have been training tricks to dogs, cats, chickens, hamsters, horses and even fish and praying mantis since I was a child. Even when I went to medical school and then became an emergency medicine doctor I continued training animals in my free time.

    Trick training is truly specal because it is one of the best ways to develop deeper understading and bond with any animal. 

    I very much enjoy training tricks to dogs, helping to establish strong positive bond between dogs and their owners and discover and develop every dog's talent. 

    You can find me enjoying life and adventures with my two super dogs Bonnie and Simba on Instagram @SpanielBonnie

    Bonnie is Dog Parkour Champion and both Bonnie and Simba took part in several TV studio productions requiring very special level of dog balance and coordination skills. 

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