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Your personal access to the online video recording of the Masterclass with Emily Anderson and Olga Jones


This is second session in the Creative Tricks Series on how you can teach your dog some of the best mouth tricks!

Instructors: Emily Anderson and Olga Jones

Duration:  2.5 hours with OVER 30 instructional videos!


The mastercalss covers step by step approach to teaching you dog: 

1) Hold any object

We will go through step by step process of teaching your dog to hold, including holding games, teaching reliable hold of variety of objects, holding food items without eating them and will discuss holding fragile and difficult objects. We also will work through the common challenges people have when teaching hold and how to overcome them.
2) Carry an object
3) Fetch an object This section includes several fetching scenarios, educational video illustrating common problems with fetching and solutions to them, fetching games

4) Fetching a named object (this can be mail, slippers, haibrush, remote etc) with step by step real training video of teaching dog from start to finish to recognise an fetch a specific object from a selection of other objects.
5) Pull with the mouth (open draw, undo a zip, take off socks are just some of the trick examples we have included)

6) Push using mouth

7) Push to operate baloon pump 
8) Roll in a blanket
9) Ice cubes
10) Table tennis & ping pong
11) Tidy toys into a box

All tricks are covered with step by step videos, tips and practical trouble shooting suggestions.  

Hold, carry, pull & push and other great mouth tricks

  • I have been training dogs for 20 years and enjoy agility, flyball, scentwork and hoopers.

    My dog training journey began when I got my long-awaited first dog Sooty for my 12th birthday and we started pet obedience and agility. Since then I've been completely hooked on dog training and my life has always revolved around my dogs! I've been lucky to share my life with Sooty, Poppy, and Puzzle and my current dogs Katie, Phoebe and Leo.

    I strive to bring out the best in my dogs and help them live their best life - each of them has taught me so much and I definitely wouldn't be the trainer I am today without them! 

    My biggest passion is definitely trick training! I particularly enjoy working with anxious dogs and their owners and get so much pleasure from watching their confidence grow!

  • I am Director of Dog Talent Association, a company that provides Trick Training and assessment of Trick Dog Titles.

    We also run the prestigious International Trick Dog Competition, that traditionally attacts top talent worldwide. 

    I have been training tricks to dogs, cats, chickens, hamsters, horses and even fish and praying mantis since I was a child. Even when I went to medical school and then became an emergency medicine doctor I continued training animals in my free time.

    Trick training is truly specal because it is one of the best ways to develop deeper understading and bond with any animal. 

    I very much enjoy training tricks to dogs, helping to establish strong positive bond between dogs and their owners and discover and develop every dog's talent. 

    You can find me enjoying life and adventures with my two super dogs Bonnie and Simba on Instagram @SpanielBonnie

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